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Doyukai (東大ビリヤードサークル 撞友会)

Doyukai is a pool club.

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We are usually looking for ways to communicate naturally and without anxiety about the worries we want to talk to others about.


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The UTokyo Yuri Society (東京大学百合愛好会)

The UTokyo Yuri Society is the only club in UTokyo dedicated exclusively to yuri. With around 50 members, the club's main activities revolve around biweekly meetings and the annual publication of a newsletter. The biweekly meetings provide a casual space for members to gather and chat about yuri. The newsletter, the "Liliest" series, consists of various articles written by volunteer members, including reviews, discussions, and original works. The newsletter is mainly distributed at "Comiaca," a doujinshi convention by UTokyo members. Additionally, the club holds discussions on creative works and hosts activities focused on detailed readings and presentations.

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A media outlet that communicates the people, life and culture of East Asia through interaction and dialogue with a diverse range of people.






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FSF (Friends Without Borders) (English)


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International Co-Creation Platform(東京大学Diligent 国際共創会ICCP)


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SOS Brigade the University of Tokyo Branch (SOS団東大支部)

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UT-topos (Eng.)

A place-based club for LGBT+ people, mainly students from the University of Tokyo.

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Todai Shimbun (東大新聞社)

Todai Shimbun Foundation is an organisation that carries out newspaper production activities in the hands of University of Tokyo students.


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TGIF (Eng.)

A student group that promotes interaction among non-students and international students through various projects.


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Komaba Student Union

Defend all-members university autonomy and offer walfare benefits from students’ perspective.

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Todai Study Abraod (東大留学GoGo)

It provides information and creates vertical and horizontal links with the aim of making study abroad more accessible to Tokyo University students.

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UTokyo GXSN (東京大学GXSN)

An organisation working to make the University of Tokyo campus sustainable.




IDYF(International Development Youth Forum)



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Tatekan Club (東京大学立て看板同好会)

We are the Tatekan Club, dedicated to creating "Tatekans" (Japanese signboards). If you've visited Komaba Campus, you've likely noticed many Tatekans around, and some of them were made by us! We meet several times a month to paint and craft these signboards. If you have a message you'd like to share through a Tatekan, feel free to join us! We warmly welcome international students. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on X (formerly Twitter) at @tatekan_UT (DMs are open).


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UTokyo Christian Student Fellowship (東大キリスト者学生会)