UTokyo GXSN (東京大学GXSN)


An organisation working to make the University of Tokyo campus sustainable.


    Basic Information

    Number of Members

    There are about 40 members in total, but only about 20 active members

    Participation Grades

    Undergraduates + Graduate students

    Selection Process Info


    Annual Membership Fee

    0 yen

    Frequency of Activities

    depend on projects







    A Look at Their Activities


    ■ Philosophy/guidelines and history
    Previously, there was an official University of Tokyo Student Committee for the Environment (TSCP Student Committee) and a separate community of students interested in the environment (UTokyo Sustainable Network). Feeling the need for further support from the University to promote a sustainable organisational culture inside and outside of classes and laboratories, and to co-create a University of Tokyo that uses the campus as a model for a sustainable society, the GXSN was approved as an official organisation in May 2023 and was launched in June. The GXSN promotes GX (Green Transformation) at the University of Tokyo, i.e. not only carbon neutrality, but also activities to improve the situation in areas such as biodiversity.

    ■ Activities
    The organisation works to develop global citizens who can acquire knowledge about sustainability and put it into practice in order to enrich the lives of present and future generations. Members work in groups on a project basis. Examples of projects undertaken so far include the installation of water servers at the Komaba campus and the provision of a vegan menu in the school cafeteria. In June 2023, the group held a Sustainability Week, in which professors conducting Sustainability-related research spoke about their research and increased the number of plant-based dishes on the cafeteria menu.

    Composition of Membership

    • Number of people.
      Overall: about 40 people
      Active members: about 20

    • Academic year.
      1st year undergraduate to doctoral students

    • Executive generation.
      2024 is served by first-year postgraduate students. The members of the Central Council, which is responsible for the overall management of the organisation, comprise a wide range of grades.

    • Gender balance.
      Approximately half of the members are women

    • Time of joining.
      Can join at any time throughout the year.

    • Attributes.
      Many are interested in environmental issues.
      Students' majors are varied, both in the sciences and humanities.
      Some international students (PEAK)

    Structure of Organization

    How many members leave the organisation over the course of a year?
    As a new organisation, there are no members leaving yet

    How much does the amount of commitment vary between members?
    There is a slight difference in the amount of commitment as there are no regular meetings where everyone gets together.

    Do some members only come for fun or for launches?
    No, there are not.

    Frequency of Activities

    Regular activities
    Varies depending on the project in which they participate. The amount of commitments can be adjusted by oneself.

    Periods before and after contests/events
    There are daily meetings immediately before Sustainability Week and other projects.

    Annual Schedule

    22 - 27 April: Sustainability Week 2024 @ Komaba Campus
    Dec: Participation in ECOPRO (planned)

    Events are organised for each project throughout the year, and it is also possible to join and create new projects.
    *The annual schedule changes flexibly depending on the activities of the members.
    *There is no fixed new membership period and you can join at any time.

    Recruitment Information

    With/without selection:

    Eligible applicants:
    University of Tokyo students (any year)

    Actual members:
    Faculty and year of study: Varies.
    Many are first- or second-year undergraduates around spring.
    International students who have become accustomed to life in Japan.
    ・People who came to Todai from graduate school.

    Membership procedure details:
    Submit an application form from the HP page ‘Become a member of the network!’ page on the website and submit a request to join the network

    Insiders' thoughts





    Recruitment Schedule


    Thank you for reading this article!
    We have two thigs to tell you.

    1. We announce information about events, programs and campus by our official LINE (only Japanese). Why don't you register?
    LINE for students enrolling in 2021
    LINE for students enrolling in 2022
    LINE for students enrolling in 2023
    LINE for students enrolling in 2024

    2.We are accepting questions from here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

    Article Correction Request

    Share this article


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