We are the University of Tokyo Bicycle Racing Team. We participate in bicycle races and practice for races. Most students in this team had never ridden a road bike until they joined this team, so any person is welcome.
Selection Process Info | なし |
Annual Membership Fee | Club fees approximate 30,000 yen + expedition expenses, etc. |
東京大学運動会自転車部競技班 @utbikeracing |
utbikeracing |
Official Email Address |
(Please send an email with [a] as @.) |
about acceptance:
Exchage students: students who can participate in the activity for one year
Language requirement:
Be able to handle basic communication
Commitment Requirement:
The same as local students
Weekdays: voluntary training. Saturday, Sunday ... Takao, Oyamada green area, Saiko lake, etc (高尾、小山田緑地、彩湖など)
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We have two thigs to tell you.
1. We announce information about events, programs and campus by our official LINE (only Japanese). Why don't you register?
LINE for students enrolling in 2023
LINE for students enrolling in 2024
LINE for students enrolling in 2025
2.We are accepting questions from here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
sports circle/clubs for international students
An intercollegiate organization where students interested in Africa gather to learn about the continent from various fields.
We are the only jazz combo circle at Tokyo University. Regular jam session is held every Friday night at 6PM〜9PM. Feel free to join us!
We play a kind of Japanese music called "Edo nagauta" with shamisen, a traditional Japanese musical instrument, and singing. Most members were begginer when they started it. The teachers offer free practice, so very little money is necessary as activity costs. We also have a club room in the Komaba Campus, where students can practice on their own. We are active jointly with the International Christian University (ICU) Nagauta Kenkyukai, and we hold a joint concert every December in which all first-year students also perform. If you are interested in our activities, please visit our SNS!