If you need help, ask here: A Summary of Health Care Counseling Services!


Good mental and physical health is essential for a fulfilling university life. However, in a new environment, it may be difficult to find a place to consult even if you feel something is wrong with your health. Therefore, we have compiled a list of official university health care consultation services available to students at the University of Tokyo.


・Available support
・How to gain access to them
・Points of caution
・Available hours for face-to-face meetings


    1. Feeling Unwell (including physical injury, toothache, skin problems, etc…)

    Internal Medicine Health Center

    This article is about the "Komaba Health Center ". For more information about "Hongo Health Center" and "Kashiwa Health Center", please visit official website.

    Support Available

    In addition to regular internal medicine care, the clinic provides health counseling regarding illness and which doctor to visit. Illnesses and injuries other than internal medicine are also treated at the discretion of the physician in charge and within the scope of the health center's facilities. Referrals may be made to nearby outside medical institutions.

    How to Use

    Go directly to the Health Center counter. Have your University of Tokyo ID (student ID) ready. Appointments are not required.

    *Please call the Health Center in advance if you have a fever over 37.5℃, chills, cough, phlegm, breathlessness, sore throat, use of antipyretic painkillers within 12 hours, change in smell or taste.

    Available Hours

    Morning: 10:00-12:20 and Afternoon: 14:00-15:45
    For urgent cases, please call directly.

    Closed Days
    Sunday and Saturday
    National Holidays
    The University of Tokyo Anniversary (April 12)

    *The schedule might be changed during faculty holidays.
    *Please check the website of each health center before seeing the doctor as there may be temporary closures or changes.


    There is no charge for consultations and medical examinations for students, but there is a charge for prescriptions, procedures, and tests. Please follow the fee regulations.

    Oral Medicine Health Center

    Support Available

    Periodic dental checkups, removal of tartar, tooth brushing instruction, and a thorough examination to determine susceptibility to tooth decay are also available.
    First aid and treatment of small cavities (resin filling).
    They do not perform treatment of large cavities or nerve damage. They refer you to a nearby general practitioner.
    Reattaching metal fillings that have fallen out.
    Wisdom tooth extraction, oral surgery, various oral mucosal diseases, and dental implants are also available.
    Orthodontic consultation (once a month, Thursday mornings) and periodontal disease and temporomandibular joint consultation (once a month, Monday afternoons) are also available.

    How to Use

    An appointment is required. Make an appointment in person at the counter or by phone (Komaba only allows appointments at the counter). Appointments made by phone should be made during reception hours.
    Appointments are limited to one session (20 minutes) per person for equitable access. The paper for your appointment must be placed in the special dental box.
    When making an appointment, you will need to present your University of Tokyo ID. The appointment book is located in the examination room during office hours and at the first-floor entrance after office hours.

    First-time visitors should arrive 5 minutes before their appointment time.
    If you are coming back for a follow-up visit, please bring your consultation ticket. (This is common to both internal medicine and oral medicine)
    If you are unable to make it, call to cancel your visit.

    Available Hours

    (For Komaba Health Center)
    Monday 14:00-16:00
    Friday 14:00-16:00


    All consultations and medical examinations are charged. Fees are subject to regulations.

    Orthopedics Health Center

    Support Available

    The Orthopedics Health Center deals mainly with injuries to the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the spine. Sports injuries such as ligament injuries and sports disorders such as fatigue fractures are also treated here.
    When surgery is necessary, they work with the University of Tokyo Hospital and other hospitals.

    How to use

    No appointment is necessary. Go to the counter with your University of Tokyo ID card.

    Available Hours

    10:00~11:45 on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month

    Closed days
    National Holidays
    The University of Tokyo Anniversary (April 12)

    *Doctoral schedule will be changed during faculty holidays.
    *Please check the website of each district health center before seeing the doctor as there may be temporary closures or changes.


    Consultation and examination of students are free of charge, but prescriptions, procedures, and tests are subject to a fee. Please follow the fee regulations.

    Dermatology Health Center

    Support Available

    They examine and treat various skin abnormalities such as itching, pain, swelling, redness, bluish-blackness, and pimples. Consultation is available for general skin problems such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, hives, acne, athlete's foot, and moles.

    Since health insurance does not cover the cost of medication, it may be more expensive than a visit to a general hospital or clinic. Please keep this in mind if you are planning to visit the dermatology center for diseases that require continuous oral or topical treatment, such as atopic dermatitis, hives, or acne.
    Liquid nitrogen therapy for warts is also not available.

    *Because they only see patients once a month, if frequent visits are deemed necessary, they refer you to a nearby hospital or clinic. Also, since there are restrictions on the types of drugs they can prescribe, they may refer you to a nearby hospital or clinic depending on the nature of your treatment.

    How to use

    No appointment is necessary. Go to the counter with your University of Tokyo ID card.

    Available Hours

    4th Wednesday of the month 9:30~11:50

    Closed days
    Sunday and Saturday
    National Holidays
    The University of Tokyo Anniversary (April 12)

    *Doctoral schedule will be changed during faculty holidays.
    *Please check the website of each district health center before seeing the doctor as there may be temporary closures or changes.


    Consultation and examination of students are free of charge, but prescriptions, procedures, and tests are subject to a fee. Please follow the fee regulations.

    Health Care Room

    Massage (full body) by a licensed shiatsu practitioner is available.

    How to use

    You can call or visit the Komaba Health Center Health Keeper's Office (2nd floor) in person.

    At the Reception

    1. Present your ID at the Komaba Health Center 1st floor office.
    2. Body temperature will be measured with a thermometer, and those with fever or symptoms will be debarred.
    3. If you do not have a fever or symptoms, pay the fee in cash.
    4. Your name and receipt will be checked at the reception desk on the 2nd floor.

    Available Hours

    Monday-Friday 7 slots per day (1 person per time slot)

    Closed days
    Sunday and Saturday
    National Holidays
    The University of Tokyo Anniversary (April 12)

    *Doctoral schedule will be changed during faculty holidays.
    *Please check the website of each district health center before seeing the doctor as there may be temporary closures or changes.


    There is a charge. Follow fee regulations.

    2. Consulting about mental health

    Komaba/Hongo/Kashiwa Health Center, Department of Psychiatry

    Support Available

    A psychiatrist will provide medical treatment for symptoms such as disrupted sleep and difficulty getting to class on time, feeling depressed and unmotivated, and having trouble concentrating and thinking clearly.
    If necessary, medication and counseling by a clinical psychologist are also provided.
    The Mental Health Support Center strives to protect privacy and confidentiality. The details of your visit and medical treatment will not be shared with outside parties without your consent. However, they may contact your family, teachers, etc. if your medical condition requires urgent attention.

    How to Use

    First Time Users
    First, please contact the counter at the Mental Health Center of the campus you will be visiting.
    They will make an appointment for a medical check-up (a nurse or psychologist will talk to you).
    After the interview, they will make an appointment for an initial consultation (your first consultation with a doctor).

    For the second time or later
    You can make an appointment at the Health Center Psychiatry counter, by phone, or through the medical appointment system.
    *Please consult the counter if you have any questions.

    Available Hours

    Weekdays 9:15-17:00, 12:50-13:50: temporarily closed
    Please see here for more information on closures and changes in office hours

    Student Counseling Center

    This is about the Komaba Student Counseling Center.

    Support Avaliable

    You can consult with them when you have the following concerns:
    ・Cannot decide what to do in the future.
    ・Don't feel motivated to study, or I don't find university interesting.
    ・Having trouble with relationships with parents, friends, or lovers.
    ・Feeling depressed.
    ・Worried about financial problems.
    ・Wanting someone to listen to your thoughts.
    ・Being persistently solicited by a cult group.

    Counseling sessions can be used to discuss a variety of issues including future career paths, academic motivation, relationships, personality, and mental health.

    The Student Counseling Center also provides consultation services to family members, friends, club, and laboratory staff on how to deal with the psychological problems of near and dear ones.

    Group Activities
    They organize various programs such as tea parties, encounter groups, and art therapy. In these programs, they aim to deepen our understanding of our own and others' inner worlds through free discussion and interaction with others in small groups.

    Psychology Clinical Seminar
    Various seminars are planned related to clinical psychology, such as career choices, assertion training, interpersonal relationships, and mental health.

    How to Use

    (Due to COVID-19, only Web-based registration is available.
    **Applying in person
    Place: Komaba Student Counseling Center (3rd floor of Building No. 1)
    Opening hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except for lunch break from 1:00 p.m. to 1:50 p.m. and holidays).
    Applying by phone
    Phone number: 03-5454-6186
    They will contact you with your affiliation, name, and a brief description of the consultation.
    Applying on the web
    You can apply through application and inquiry form

    Available Hours

    Open hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00
    (Lunch break: 13:00-13:50)

    3. Wanting to talk to someone about harassment

    The University of Tokyo Harassment Consultation Center

    Support Available

    The Harassment Counseling Center can be consulted in the following cases:
    ・When you are sexually harassed
    ・Academic harassment
    ・Other harassment
    For more information, please visit the website of the Harassment Consultation Center.
    You can also consult even if you have been counseled by a friend or are not sure if what you have been subjected to constitutes harassment or not.

    How to Use

    For consultation or inquiry, contact through online form

    *To prevent the spread of infectious diseases, the following measures are being taken for the time being.
    Hongo Consultation Room is open as usual (Monday-Friday), but Komaba and Kashiwa Consultation Rooms are closed.
    The Hongo Consultation Room is open as usual (Monday-Friday), but the Komaba and Kashiwa Consultation Rooms are closed. (If you wish to have a face-to-face consultation, please indicate so in the "Consultation Summary" section of the online form.)
    (If you wish to have a face-to-face consultation, please indicate so in the "Consultation Summary" section of the online form.

    Available Hours

    Monday-Friday (except holidays) 10:00~12:00, 13:00~17:00

    4. Consultation services available for international students

    International Student Counseling Office

    Support you can use/get

    International students can receive counseling and advice from counselors.

    How to use

    ** In person consultation**
    It is recommended to make an appointment in advance by e-mail to be sure (you can also come to the office without an appointment). When you make an appointment by email, you will receive a reply confirming your appointment within 1~2 days.

    E-mail consultation
    If it is difficult to come to the office in person, or if you are currently back home, you can also consult by email.

    ** Web Consultation**
    This service is available when classes are too busy to go to the counseling office, or when there are no classes and you would like to consult from home. You can set up a meeting when you wish by email.

    The International Student Counseling Room is located on the 2nd floor of Komaba Bldg. 101, Room 21B.
    For consultation appointments and inquiries, please contact ksoudan[at]io.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp (change [at] to @)

    Available Hours

    Monday-Friday 10:00~17:00

    5. Internationalization Education Support Office Komaba Branch

    The Internationalization Education Support Office supports international students and foreign researchers in the four Komaba departments (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Institute of Industrial Science, and Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology). If you have any questions or concerns about life in Japan or life at the university, this is the place to go.

    Support you can use/get

    Counseling services are available in both English and Japanese. A clinical psychologist is available to discuss various problems and concerns. The content of the counseling will be kept strictly confidential.

    How to use

    In-person Consultation
    In order to get a consultation in person, you must book an appointment in advance by emailing at counseling.iekomaba.adm[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp (replace the [at] by @).

    The Internationalization Education Support Office is located in Bldg. 101, 2F, Room 21A of the Komaba I Campus.

    Available Hours

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00~17:00
    On Tuesdays, counseling is conducted in Room B-210, 2F, Cooperative Research Building (CCR Building), Komaba II Campus at the same hours

    6. Summary of public consultation services

    Public consultation services outside of Todai are summarized here.

    If you feel troubled, anxious, or unwell in your college life, don't hesitate to ask for help! We at UT-BASE are here to help you enjoy your campus life! Cheers!

    Thank you for reading this article!
    We have two thigs to tell you.

    1. We announce information about events, programs and campus by our official LINE (only Japanese). Why don't you register?
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    2.We are accepting questions from here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

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