Komaba Times


An English-language newsletter at The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus


    Basic Information


    A new editorial team is recruited towards the end of the year for the publication of a new issue the following April.

    Number of Members


    Participation Grades

    Undergraduates + Graduate students

    Selection Process Info

    Editorial team: Email faculty advisor with indication of interest, past experience/works (if any), followed by short chat about involvement Contributors: Application via online form with writing/creative work samples as well as content pitch

    Annual Membership Fee


    Frequency of Activities

    Editorial team: Weekly meetings Contributors: Ad-hoc, deadline-based







    A Look at Their Activities


    The Komaba Times is an English-language newsletter at The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus. Founded in 2011 as an undergraduate journalism class, has been student-run from the fall semester of 2019. We publish a new issue every April. All UTokyo students – undergraduate students, exchange students, graduate/doctoral students, and research students from all campuses, departments, faculties and levels are encouraged to contribute and take part in the publication. They aim to give students a space to freely express their voices, opinions and experiences to the UTokyo community and to the wider world. They hope that by giving students this space and freedom to share their perspectives, they can foster wider, deeper and more active participation within the student body towards the betterment of the community.

    Composition of Membership

    Number of members

    Grade composition of members
    Undergraduate students: 12
    Graduate students: 4

    Grade Composition of the Administration Team
    The majority of the editorial team this year are undergraduate students.

    Gender Ratio
    6:10 (male:female)

    Period of entry
    The editorial team is made of fall-entry students, while there is a mix of both fall- and April-entry students in our group of contributors

    Features of Membership
    ex) ・There are many active students who have studied abroad, lived abroad, or participated in various extracurricular activities up until high school.
    ・More members studying natural sciences (rikei) students as compared to other international circles.

    Structure of Organization

    How many members leave the activity during the year?

    Is there a difference in the amount of commitment among members?

    Frequency of Activities

    Usual Activities
    Editorial team: Weekly meetings
    Contributors: Ad-hoc, deadline-based

    Annual Schedule

    October - November: Recruitment (editorial team)
    November - December: Recruitment (contributors)
    End January: Deadline for first draft of contributions
    End January - Mid February: Back and forth editing with contributors (2-3 rounds), illustration and layout drafts, liaising with design/printing company
    End February: Final adjustments and copy checks before printing
    Early March: Final design to be sent for printing, marketing for new issue to begin (throughout March)
    End March: Hardcopies of issue arrive, begin distribution plan
    April onwards: Distribution of hardcopy issues, gradual release of web article building up to e-issue, continued marketing

    Recruitment Information

    Selection Process
    Editorial team: Email faculty advisor with indication of interest, past experience/works (if any), followed by short chat about involvement
    Contributors: Application via online form with writing/creative work samples as well as content pitch

    Eligible Members
    No restriction on the basis of university, grade, department, undergraduate/graduate

    Members who actually join
    Changes every year, but this year it has been primarily graduate students.

    Precedure to join
    Editorial team: Email faculty advisor with indication of interest, past experience/works (if any), followed by short chat about involvement
    Contributors: Application via online form with writing/creative work samples as well as content pitch

    Insiders' thoughts


    • Unique experience of being on the editorial team of a magazine with quite a lot of agency to choose what you want to do and how you want to do it, insight into how a publication runs.
    • Ability to meet a diverse group of people, both contributors and editorial team members.
    • Since it’s an English-language publication, you might get the chance to meet other international students from many different countries and faculties.
    • Opportunity to develop writing, editing, and communication skills. As a contributor, you get a space to express your opinions, experiences, and voice freely, through whatever form you choose, and benefit from the feedback from the editorial team.


    • Deadlines for the contributions match up with the end-of-term academic deadlines, so that can be a bit stressful.
    • Most of the work is done over winter break (at least the first half), which is both good (you don’t have to worry about school work) and bad (it might be a little bit tiring after the term).

    Recruitment Schedule


    Thank you for reading this article!
    We have two thigs to tell you.

    1. We announce information about events, programs and campus by our official LINE (only Japanese). Why don't you register?
    LINE for students enrolling in 2021
    LINE for students enrolling in 2022
    LINE for students enrolling in 2023
    LINE for students enrolling in 2024

    2.We are accepting questions from here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

    Article Correction Request

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    For International Students

    Circles that actively accept intl. students.


    FSF (Friends Without Borders) (English)

    UK-JP Student Conference (English)

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    AFPLA (English)

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