French-Japanese Student Forum/Forum Franco-Japonais des Étudiants (FFJE)


International Exchange





A student organization for international exchange between Japan and France on culture, politics, and economics.


    Basic Information


    Starting from the second year in the circle

    Number of Members

    Approx. 15 from Japan and France each

    Participation Grades


    Selection Process Info

    Present (Application screening and interview)

    Annual Membership Fee

    Free *Additional travel expenses (approx. 80,000 yen per year for flight tickets)

    Frequency of Activities

    Meetings twice a month, and a 2-week program in summer




    Official Email Address[a]
    (Please send an email with [a] as @.)

    A Look at Their Activities


    ※information in 2022


    The French-Japanese Student Forum for Education (FFJE) was established in 1999 to "promote mutual understanding between France and Japan" and "develop human resources as bridges linking the two countries”. One of its roles is to build long-term friendships between Japan and France by fostering a mutual understanding of each other's culture, politics, and economics.

    In France, Grandes Écoles and universities in Paris, including Sciences Po, Inalco, Université Paris Diderot, École Normale Supérieure, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Dauphine, HEC, and others, are involved. In Japan, students from universities in Tokyo, such as the University of Tokyo, Keio University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Sophia University, and Aoyama Gakuin University gather for activities.

    It is an opportunity to get to know France better through interacting with French students in a nice perspective different from sightseeing tours or university exchange programs.

    The origin of this organization dates back to 1999, when the Japan-France Society (now integrated into Maison Franco-Japonaise) celebrated its 90th anniversary and welcomed seven students from HEC Paris (L'École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris) as trainees. Later, the Japan-France Society and HEC Paris conceived the idea to start a Japan-France student exchange program. In 2001, 11 French students came to Japan for the first French-Japanese Student Forum, and in 2002, 17 Japanese students came to France.

    Since then, the program has been held every other year in summer, and on the Japanese side, the program was taken over from the Japan-France Society to Maison Franco-Japonaise.

    In 2018, it became independent from Maison Franco-Japonaise and is now a student-run organization.


    The French-Japanese Student Forum for Education (FFJE) was established in 1999 to "promote mutual understanding between France and Japan" and "develop human resources as bridges linking the two countries”. One of its roles is to build long-term friendships between Japan and France by fostering a mutual understanding of each other's culture, politics, and economics.

    All administrative members take roles in the organization and work together with French members. One of the attractive features of this program is that it allows us to take responsibility and work with French students throughout the year.

    Summer programs are the main activities here. All members have a chance to experience the local life in depth through a two-week program in France or in Japan. During the program, students visit companies, organizations, and cultural heritage sites in line with each year's discussion theme. Living with host families is also a valuable part of the cultural experience.

    Career Paths
    Many work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or international organizations.
    Many maintain connections to France after graduation, such as working for a company or institution with ties to France or living in France.

    Composition of Membership

    Number of Members
    Approx. 15 from Japan and France each
    From Year 2 to Year 4
    Starting from the second year in the circle
    The term is 2 years (participation in 2 programs visiting Japan and France)
    Representative, clerk, accounting, event design, discussions (who organizes discussions in the program), host family arrangement, public relations, recruiting, liaison with alumni.
    All positions except for representative and clerk are concurrently taken.
    Of the two generations, the older generation will take the roles of representative and clerk.
    Although roles will be determined, the events and programs are open to all.

    Japan: the University of Tokyo, Keio University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and Waseda University, with all types of majors.
    Some students belong to international and cultural clubs such as ESS and AFPLA.
    France: Sciences Po, Inalco, Université Paris Diderot, École Normale Supérieure, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Dauphine, HEC, etc.
    Gender Ratio
    The overwhelming majority of members in Japan are women.
    Joining Period
    The selection takes place in December, and members officially join in January.

    Structure of Organization

    How many members leave the activity in a year?
    About 20%.
    How much difference is there in the amount of commitment among members?
    Do some members come only for fun or for gatherings?
    There are none.

    Frequency of Activities

    Regular activities
    ∙ General meetings are held twice a month (usually in person, but currently online)
    In 2021, events are held once a month.
    ・Meetings are held at least once a month with members in France who hold the same position.

    Period before and after the program
    ・As the summer program approaches, we will be in closer contact with the members of the program for preparation.
    Period before and after the event
    ・Meetings may be held several times depending on the position.

    Annual Schedule

    November 2020: Application information session.
    December: Application, initial selection (document screening), secondary selection (personal interview/online), announcement of results.
    January 2021: New members join.
    January-July: Preparation for the summer program.
    August: Summer program implemented.
    September-November: Report writing
    *Program planning and exchanges with French side members will continue throughout the year

    Recruitment Information

    Applicants must be undergraduate students and graduate students (current high school seniors are also welcome)
    Must be able to attend meetings twice a month
    *Three consecutive absences will result in expulsion from the organization
    Participate in the program to France in August 2022 (tentative) and the program to Japan in 2023 (tentative).
    Stay motivated even if the program is held online
    Stay in the circle for a minimum of two years (January 2022 to December 2023)
    Have experience/willingness to learn French
    Hold discussions in English or French
    Participate in activities with a sense of responsibility

    Insiders' thoughts


    Relations with students
    ・You can help manage a community with French students.
    ・You can make connections with people interested in France beyond their grade level and university.
    ・You can make friends with students from other universities.
    ・Each one of us can hold a position and take responsibility. This allows you to learn a lot of things that you cannot learn from textbooks.
    ・I am able to plan programs and activities from scratch.
    ・The balance between working hard and having fun during the summer program is just right.
    ・There’s creativity. Each member utilizes their own strengths.


    ・Deciding things with French people is very difficult. There are times when I feel the difference in our ways of thinking and culture.
    ・There are many members from other universities, so I had to build relationships with them from scratch.
    ・If you don't take action on your own, you may not be able to enjoy the program as much as you would like.
    ・The backgrounds of the members are various and many tasks are independent, so you need to manage them by yourself.

    Recruitment Schedule


    Thank you for reading this article!
    We have two thigs to tell you.

    1. We announce information about events, programs and campus by our official LINE (only Japanese). Why don't you register?
    LINE for students enrolling in 2021
    LINE for students enrolling in 2022
    LINE for students enrolling in 2023
    LINE for students enrolling in 2024

    2.We are accepting questions from here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

    Article Correction Request

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