The University of Tokyo Global Consumer Intelligence (GCI) is a program run by the University of Tokyo's Yutaka Matsuo Laboratory, which conducts research on AI. It is one of the largest data science courses in Japan, with approximately 700 students taking each course. (Archived videos are also available.) There are also students from universities and graduate schools other than UTokyo, as well as from overseas enrolled in the program, and alumni are active in a variety of fields, including starting their own businesses.The course is widely known for its value through reviews and referrals from friends. However, more than half of the students do not complete the course because it is necessary to fulfill the requirements for completion, as described below. As stated on the official website, "Consumer intelligence is the ability to comprehensively understand consumers through data analysis," the program provides practical data science (data analytics/analysis, fundamentals of machine learning, etc.) and business skills for social implementation (business hypothesis testing process, marketing, etc.). After acquiring these skills, students interested in starting their own businesses will participate in "Entrepreneurship Quest", hosted by the Matsuo Institute, where they will practice what they have learned through collaborative research and hypothesis testing of their entrepreneurial ideas. Outstanding graduates will also be given the opportunity to be involved in the planning and management of Matsuo Institute courses as teaching assistants, or lecturers.